Three Finger

A work in progress! This is my senior year college capstone game, being made collaboratively with four other students.

Three Finger is a roguelike card game, developed in Unreal Engine 5. I’m working as the lead UI designer, as well as a recently appointed art director! We are still in development phases of the project, but here are some proof of concept elements.

Card Design

My first job on the project was to create the finalized card art design; this is arguable the most important visual feature, given that the player must visually be able to understand these elements. A current, more refined design is being created by our lead Artist at the moment, but here are the mockups I had created!

Damage Calculator

Each card in the game has two scores - Body and Spirit. The collective total of Body and Spirit across the cards is added, then the two numbers are multiplied into the final amount that acts as the user’s attack. My job was to create a mockup and execute that idea visually!


App Design - Heliography